5 Tips To A Healthy Sex Life

You may still remember those times when your first sex was full of passion and desire and you both could not take your hands off each other. You could have sex anywhere, anytime and you couldn't have enough of it.

Now, that you are settled in a marriage, your sex life underwent some changes and sex became less sizzling. Does it mean that sex will disappear from your life?

First of all, it is worth mentioning that almost every couple will face this situation sooner or later, but it doesn't mean the end of sexual relationships in a marriage. The fact that we all have different libido, with different preferences and frequency of sex is not always obvious during a honeymoon phase. But sooner or later when a man and a women have long term relationships, their differences may lead to certain conflicts.

1. Find a compromise

If your partner has higher libido you will need additional stimulation to find common ground. First of all, you will need to explain this to your partner and find out what turns you on the most: romantic evening, longer foreplay, certain words or some other details. You may hint about your desires to your partner so that both of you could enjoy sex.

In case when your partner has lower libido, you may need to be more active and inventive to arouse him or her. Show your interest in your partner's desires and feelings and you will be gratified for such attention.

2. Choose a right role

Now that sex roles are not so determined, our sexuality is still often based on traditional roles. And while most of us have to play different roles, it is better to forget about them once you are in a bedroom. Many women are extremely turned on by the feelings of being a weaker sex in their sexual relationships and being conquered by a stronger man. As long as you both agree on your roles, your satisfaction will be very high.

3. Be more sensual

One of the most effective ways to return those sizzling nights back in your life is to get detached from the intercourse. Touch each other with your hands, tongues, feathers and use other ways to arouse your partner sexually. Take things slowly and be patient during such foreplay. The main rule is to avoid the intercourse. This will make a difference for your usual sexual scenarios and let the desire built up. Sensual focus is also a good way to become closer to each other.

4. Improve your relationships

Sex is closely related to relationships with your partner, that's why many couples end up on different sides of the bed at the end of the day. Frequent fights, misunderstandings and lack of attention are common reasons why your partner may refuse sex. Many women need to feel appreciated and loved to be aroused and this plays very important role in long-term relationships. Try to discuss your desires and conflicts before sex and show your interest towards your partner. This can make a big difference in your sex life.

5. Stay realistic

Do not expect sex to be perfect every day with both of you feeling satisfied every time you make love. Real sex life is not what you see in Hollywood stories and you are not on a stage. It is up to you to make your sex life better and bring happiness in your relationships. Keep in mind that you and your partner have your ups and downs and do not let the disappointment overwhelm you.

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