Holistic Healing

Holistic health is not itself a method of treatment, but is an approach to how treatment should be applied. Holistic concepts of health and fitness view achieving and maintaining good health as requiring more than just taking care of the various singular components that make up the physical body, additionally incorporating aspects such as emotional and spiritual well-being. The goal is a wellness that encompasses the entire person, rather than just the lack of physical pain or disease. This means that not feeling sick, does not necessary mean you are well, just that you are between Well and Sick. When symptoms develop, it is often long after the cause of the symptoms occurred. It is often used in contrast to the medical model that focuses on treating symptoms and syndromes without attempting to address functioning beyond the absence of disease, the Holistic approach focuses on the cause.

You Possess Psychic Abilities

Psychic abilities are existent in everyone; it is only that some people know how to harness and use these abilities to their benefit. It is only with the right training that your psychic powers are enhanced to induce psychic spirituality.

The first thing that has to be done to cultivate your psychic skills to reach psychic spirituality is through the acceptance of your skills. Many people don't believe in psychic spirituality, and are not interested in it that tend to reject the concept of having psychic skills. Once you accept, allow and direct your intuition to day to day life, will you be able to reach psychic spirituality. And once you accept and allow your psychic skills, you have to learn to harness your psychic skills.

One of the best ways of harnessing your psychic abilities is through meditation. It is with meditation that psychic spirituality is enforced and strengthened between the mind, body and spirit of the person. It is possible to achieve an awareness of psychic spirituality with the help of meditation.

With many types of meditation techniques available today to induce psychic spirituality, it is always better that you experiment with the various types till you find the right technique. There is no such thing as a right or wrong way to meditate; as long as you relax and find it possible to focus your mind, you are meditating in the right way.

Once you meditate for some time, you tend to find and realize your psychic spirituality. It is basically the connection that lies between your spiritual self and yourself that provides you this psychic spirituality. And it is on strengthening these connections that you find an increase in your psychic abilities.

It is also possible to invoke your psychic spirituality by being more aware of your surroundings. When you awake in the morning, lie still for a few minutes, without opening your eyes. This is when you have to notice as many sounds, smells and textures as possible before you open your eyes.

On continuing this exercise for a few weeks, you find an increase in the level of psychic spirituality in yourself. This is because you have to develop your art of listening, to increase psychic spirituality, which is possible after continuing this exercise for some time.

Sometimes, you find that intuitive information is made available to you in bits and pieces. This is when you have to pay more emphasis on the random thoughts and feelings you come across. It is better to have a journal ready at all times to jot these random thoughts. After some time, you find a pattern emerging where you find thoughts that seemed to be random and unconnected, actually have a them or some recognizable ideas.

Similarly, record your dreams in your journal and pretty soon you find it easy to recall your dreams. All you have to do to use your psychic spirituality with dreams is to lie awake for a few minutes on waking, so that you remember dreams with more detail. You find it better to set your alarm clock about ten to fifteen minutes earlier so that you have time to remember your dreams, and note them in your journal.

All of these exercises for psychic spirituality seem to be, and are simple. And if practiced regularly, you find these few techniques of inducing psychic spirituality produce dramatic results. Though there are many methods that promise to induce psychic spirituality in you, be careful and avoid techniques that claim psychic abilities arise from external forces and are something more than a natural human ability.

Think and Grow Rich, 1937

In 1937, author Napoleon Hill published his book Think and Grow Rich, which went on to become one of the best selling books of all time, selling over 60 million copies. In this book, He discusses the importance of controlling your own thoughts in order to achieve success, as well as the "energy" that thoughts have and their ability to attract other thoughts. In the beginning of the book, Napoleon Hill mentions a "secret" to success, and promises to indirectly describe it at least once in every chapter of the book. It is never named directly for he says that discovering it on one's own is far more beneficial. Many people have argued over what the secret actually is, but there is a general conception that the secret he referred to is, in fact, the Law of Attraction.

So you've read Think and Grow Rich, and you've got an intellectual understanding that you "become what you think about."You have a list of affirmations about wealth, and you recite them every day.

But you still have no money Wealth does not seem to be anywhere around.

What's the deal here? According to Napoleon Hill, author of Think & Grow Rich, you ought to be filthy stinkin' rich, right?

Well, here is the real deal: If you are not "Wealth Conscious", than all this thinking, and all this affirming is not going to bring you wealth. Thinking, and affirming are simply actions you are taking. But they are just PART of the sequence of creating wealth. If you skip the FIRST step, you simply can't get anywhere.

So what's the first step?


To attract wealth, you first have to BE wealthy. THEN, you think wealthy thoughts, speak wealthy affirmations, and take wealthy action.

"But how can I BE wealthy if I am NOT wealthy?" you ask. Logical question, but it's based on the false assumption that you don't have wealth. You HAVE wealth. You're simply not aware of it. You have constructed a physical reality that prevents you from experiencing Wealth. This can all be explained with the science of Quantum Physics. So let's look at some very basic concepts of Quantum Physics that will explain what I'm talking about.

First, you probably are aware - at least on an intellectual level - that at a subatomic level, we, and everything else in the Universe, is Energy. When you break everything down, we're all made of the same stuff, and we're all connected. The Universe is just this huge ocean of Energy, vibrating at various frequencies which gives the illusion of individuation. That is, we experience the illusion of separateness from each other, physical objects, and wealth because our "senses" are decoding the Energy around us in such a way as to create our physical reality.

This all happens in our thoughts.

So, to simplify things quickly here for the sake of time (another illusion), "things" only exist because we observe them. It is in our observing that things come into existence. Without our observing, things are simply "waves" - probabilities of existence. Physicists agree on this.

Our beliefs are a very powerful Energy system in our lives. Our beliefs allow or disallow certain experiences in our lives, including wealth. They make up who we are. We "BE" in the world according to our beliefs. If we are being is "someone who is trying to get wealthy by repeating affirmations," then THAT is what our reality will be. We will just be TRYING to get wealthy.

We have to make the decision that we ARE wealthy, contrary to any external physical evidence. That evidence is an illusion based on the belief systems that have guided who we have been being up to that point.

A truly wealthy person isn't wealthy because they have money. They have money, because they are wealthy! That's the distinction that most people have backward!

Here's an example to illustrate what I mean:

Tony Robbins became a millionaire at a very young age. Then, due to a series of poor judgments, he lost it. But within a year, he had it back. How did he do this? HE NEVER LOST HIS WEALTH. He only lost his money, which is just a symbol of wealth! Because he is "Wealth Conscious", he literally "magnetically attracts" wealth into his life. He truly can't help it! It's who he is! And there are thousand out there like him, who attract wealth simply because it's who they are. You can make the same decision and have the same results.

Conversely, a person who has grown up with "lack consciousness" can win millions in the lottery and lose it within a year. Their consciousness - their ENERGY - simply can't maintain the attraction to Wealth because they aren't "wealthy" in who they are being.

Wealth is a Decision

But again, Wealth is a decision. If you aren't currently experiencing wealth, you first need to realize that abundance is everywhere...in fact it's all there is. Poverty and lack are the illusions. You can shift your consciousness to Wealth - BE Wealth - by simply making the decision, THEN your thoughts, speech, and action will allow you to experience the wealth that is yours!

This is indeed a complex subject which challenges our core belief systems. But it is those very belief systems that keep a person in a state of lack. Look at your financial situation today. Look at your core beliefs about Wealth and You, and see if your life isn't a PERFECT reflection of your beliefs. Then, look where those beliefs may have originated. When you can awaken to yourself that your beliefs create your reality, rather than the other way around, you have the option to truly be free to experience a reality of prosperity that you deserve!

7 Guiding Laws Of The Universe

The phrase Law of Attraction, although used widely by New Thought writers, has a variety of definitions. Turn-of-the-century references conceptualized the law of attraction as relating to physical structure and to how matter develops. A more modern consensus among New Thought thinkers is that the Law of Attraction says people's thoughts (both conscious and unconscious) dictate the reality of their lives, whether or not they're aware of it. Essentially "if you really want something and truly believe it's possible, you'll get it", but putting a lot of attention and thought onto something you don't want means you'll probably get that too.

There are 7 guiding, natural Laws to our Universe and they are as follows:

The Law of Perpetual Transmutation- * Energy moves into physical form. * The images you hold in your mind most often materialize in results in your life.

The Law of Relativity- * Nothing is good or bad, big or small... until you RELATE it to something. * Practice relating your situation to something much worse and yours will always look good.

The Law of Vibration and Attraction- * Everything vibrates, nothing rests. * Conscious awareness of vibration is called feeling. Your thoughts control your paradigms and your vibration (which dictates what you attract). * When you are not feeling good, become aware of what you are thinking, then think of something pleasant.

The Law of Polarity- * Everything has an opposite: Hot - Cold ... Up - Down ... Good - Bad. * Constantly look for the good in people and situations. When you find it, tell the person. People love compliments and the positive idea in your mind makes you feel good. Remember, good idea - good vibrations.

The Law of Rhythm- * The tide goes out ... night follows day ... good times - bad times. * When you are on a down swing, do not feel bad. Know the swing will change and things will get better. There are good times coming - think of them.

The Law of Cause and Effect- * Whatever you send into the Universe comes back. Action -- re-action are equal and opposite. * Say good things to everyone; treat everyone with total respect and it will all come back. Never worry about what you are going to get, just concentrate on what you can give.

The Law of Gender- * Every seed has a gestation or incubation period. Ideas are spiritual seeds and will move into form or physical results. * Your goals will manifest when the time is right. KNOW they will.

See also

* Positive thinking
* Prosperity theology
* Divine Science
* Magical Thinking
* Religious Science
* Solipsism
* The Secret (2006 film)
* Think and Grow Rich
* Unity
* List of best-selling books

The Untainted Truth

Mankind is a fairly complex, yet such a simple species. Some seek ardently for the truth...yet only find pain, isolation and more unanswered questions. You are here for a reason...and that reason is to be understood by only you. What I do know is that an organism at war with itself, is doomed.

This site is here for a guide to some of life's unanswered questions. The top selling movie, and book "The Secret" has tried to explain some of life mysteries but underestimated the underlying factors of the natural laws of the universe. Many after seeing or reading The Secret will find themselves feeling a state of euphoria and understanding...as if they have the ability to now realize their potential. Well...that feeling is indeed a real feeling, but will only be felt for a short period of time if not maintained with proper guidance and desire. There is so much more potential within you than you could ever fathom. You have the ability to create the lasting life that you had always dreamed of. As with anything in life...it just takes education and experience. Experience is the key...so the more you have experienced, the closer you are to reaching the state of complete satisfactory. The first step in knowing anything in life, is to know yourself. And understand that we are all a family just unfamiliar with each other due to time, which in turn brings about change. A snake must shed his skin to experience growth just as a human must experience pain to bring about change.

Here you will find a great deal of priceless information that has been passed down for centuries and kept secret from the general public in order to maintain order within societies. Heirarchy has always been a dominant factor in maintaining certain sectors of civilizations...even the movie industry. This site is full of knowledge that is intended to aid in the personal growth of anyone who wishes to further explore the capabilities of the human mind. Through this site you will find a vast amount of resources which are fully trusted by doctors, scientist and other professionals alike. Enjoy...and welcome to the freedom we are all entitled too.

Please be advised that this site is not intended to make money but rather supply information and lead you to sites that can provide the materials that you will need to guarantee your success and happiness.

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